Be aware that downloading and sharing out copyright material is against both copyright law and the UCL Computing Regulations. So you may find your neighbour can make a Skype call but you cannot. Therefore, if you have a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) application running this may swallow up your 2Mbps upload bandwidth and render other applications unusable. a Skype Voice/ Video Call consumes both download and upload bandwidth). Some activities consume more bandwidth than others and some are symmetric (i.e. This bandwidth contract is more than sufficient for common activities. sharing photos on Facebook, Peer-to-Peer, Skype Voice/ Video call). Uploading is when you push data onto the internet from your device (e.g.
web browsing, downloading, BBC iPlayer video streaming, Skype Voice/ Video call). Download is when you pull data from the internet to your device (e.g. Download speed: 16Mbps (Megabits per second).The following is a maximum and not a guarantee in Halls:
The contract applies to both the wired and wireless service. In halls of residence, to ensure that every user has a fair and equal use of what is available, we have applied a bandwidth contract so that the network activities of one user doesn’t hinder, or slow down, the activities of others. Reducing the size of the pipe reduces the flow of water – or in this example - the speed at which data flows to and from your computer. It’s a bit like a pipe, and data can be likened to water through the pipe. Ever wondered why it can take some time for a web page to load or for a file to download? Well, it’s all to do with bandwidth.