The second district in our guide has a grand total of 7 Playboy magazines that you can find hidden throughout its streets and buildings. Locate and head to the Double Barrel Bar in Delray Hollow to find this Playboy magazine at the end of the bar, just waiting to be claimed. Inside the house you can find this edition of the Playboy magazine just sitting on a desk inside the living room. While wandering the streets of Delray Hollow, keep an eye out for a dilapidated looking green house. There are stacks of boxes and papers here, but you’ll also find this Playboy Magazine resting on the top of the table near the boxes. When playing through the game, after you get out of bed in Sammy’s Bar, look for the countertops with the barstool in front of it. Head into the building and locate the back office to find this Playboy Magazine inside on the desk. This edition of the Playboy magazine can be found by heading to the Everyday Laundromat in Delray Hollow. The first district we’re going to cover has a total of 4 Playboy Magazines. We’ll also be including the date of each magazine, as that’s how they are categorized in the game. To make things easier to find we’re going to break this guide up into parts depending on each district of the game. This article will be lengthy, and we’ll be updating it constantly as we find new magazines, so be sure to check back often for updates and new details. In this particular guide we’ll be detailing how to find each and every Playboy magazine that has been hidden throughout the districts of New Bordeaux. There are over 161 total collectibles hidden through New Bordeaux, and you’re going to need to be on the lookout if you want to nag every single one of them.